
hacker 2年前 (2023-03-23) 电子书 21 5

He has three footballs but he is not playing them, he just watches them on the TV。

He likes sports a lot He has five baseballs, eight volleyballs, four soccers and three basketballs。

David loves doing sports,he always does some physical exerciseHe has a collection of some sports goods ,such as football,basketball,valleyball and so onhe has 5 football,6valley ball, 2 basketball ,3。

Paul is my classmate He likes sports very much He has six soccers,four volleyballs,three basketballs two pingpong bats and some pingpong balls After class he always play sports with his friends。

My friend is called Eric,He likes play ball gamesAnd he has three footballs , two basketballs ,five volleyballs , ten table tennis rackets and four tennis。

does he have five footballs?soccer balls。

He has five volleyballs, two footballs, four tennis balls and an unique basketball。

Enrique is my good friend, he likes to play he has three soccer two basketball five volleyball will。


LiMing is my classmate He is a boy He is very strong He is very like playing sport games He have six footballs, four volleyballs, three basketballs, two pingpong rackets and some pingpongs After。

20141225 林林是个足球迷他收集了4个足球还有很多球星的照片但是他从不踢 20141201 英语作文高峰是一个足球迷,他有四个足球,还有很多球星的照片 3 20141201 英语作文高峰是一个足球迷,他有四个足球,还有。

世界十大足球明星贝利马拉多纳迪斯蒂法诺贝肯鲍尔克鲁伊夫C罗梅西普斯卡什 齐达内罗纳尔多1贝利 贝利出生于足球之国巴西,被称为球王毫无疑问他是有史以来最伟大的球员,他获得了2次南美解放杯2次洲际。








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  • 访客 2023-03-23 17:59:28 回复

    He has three footballs but he is not playing them, he just watches them on the TV。He likes sports a lot He has five baseballs, eight volleybal

  • 访客 2023-03-24 01:36:34 回复

    ikes sports a lot He has five baseballs, eight volleyballs, four soccers and three bas

  • 访客 2023-03-23 20:21:37 回复

    ootballs, four volleyballs, three basketballs, two pingpong rackets and some pingpongs A

  • 访客 2023-03-23 23:07:54 回复

    He has three footballs but he is not playing them, he just watches them on the TV

  • 访客 2023-03-23 20:27:26 回复

    volleyballs, two footballs, four tennis balls and an unique basketball。Enrique is my go
