soccer在英语中,Football和Soccer都是足球的意思,American,football的意思是美式橄榄球因此在美国,人们用Soccer特指足球足球被誉为“世界第一运动”,两队在长方形场地上进行比赛的一种体育项目,每队11人,只能用脚踢;He played for the school football team, and he performed well in every game效力就用简单的 play for 就可以了,而原文说的是每场比赛,所以这里应该用 every 来表示强调。
The boy likes football and is a member of the school football team 英语English属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来。
1、my best friend is zhou ning,he is very tall,he does very well with his homework,he likes playing football,he is a player of the school football team,he loves 贝克汉姆,his dream is to be a nice footbal。
3、he is a school soccer team member,你的这个译法很明显的是中国式英文从句子的意思看,似乎挺对的,但是从英语的角度看,就没有逻辑了应该改为he is a member of the school soccer team先把主谓宾说了,然后。
4、这里的队应该翻译成team, 如中国足球队就是team china 而俱乐部可以翻译成football club 记得采纳啊。
1、Our一般是my school has a footballsoccer team如有问题,欢迎继续追问求采纳~。
2、When did your school football team founded?这里形成是用found成立的意思 校足球队school football team 请参看。
3、Is member of school football team另外有个苹果 app叫 飞蚂蚁英语聊天机器人,多练练。
t friend is zhou ning,he is very tall,he does very well with his homework,he likes playing football,he is a player of the school football
for the school football team, and he performed well in every game效力就用简单的 play for 就可以了,而原文说的是每场比赛,所以这里应该用 every 来表示强调。The boy likes foot
m is to be a nice footbal。2、1soccer足球,读音美_sɑ_k_r英_s_k_r2释义n英式足球,足球3例句Iwaspickedfortheschoolfootballteam我被学校足球队选中了。3、he is a school soccer team m