
hacker 2年前 (2022-07-14) 业界 20 5

Some students are running,while any other are playing football;The playground there are lots of students Some are running, some are playing football 谢谢 希望能帮到你。

您好很高兴为您解答 Some people are running,some people are playing soccer,others are playing games希望对您的学习有帮助 望采纳;On PE class, someone are rope skipping, someone are running and someone are playing basketball。

一般名词前面用白勺的句子“有的跑步有的跳绳有的踢足球”中跑步跳绳踢足球是对人状态的补充,只是把“人”省略了,这样句式比较简练,完整的可以是“有的人在跑步有的人在跳绳有的人在踢足球”,“人”是名词所以;Some people are playing basketball, some are playing soccer, others are playing ping pang这种分三类描写的,前两个都用some,第三类用others代替。

Some play basketball, some play football, some play table tennis, some running, some high jump, some play volleyball。


There#39re many students on the playground,some are running,some are playing football。

Today is Monday There are many children on the playground Some are playing soccer, some are playing pingpong, some are playing basketball, some are running, some are doing highjump, and some are。


有的在踢足球 some playing football,有的在打篮 playing some basket 今天是星期一,同学们在体育课,有的在踢足球,有的在打篮 Today is Monday, students in physical education, some playing football, playing some。

小朋友们在操扬上活动,有的在打篮球,有的在打排球有的在跑步有的在打乒乓球有的在踢足球有的跳高的英文怎么写?Children are playing basketball, some play basketball, some are running, some are playing table。


在学校里,有的人在踢球,有的人在踢毽子,有的人在看书,有的人在跑步,有的人在做体育活动,有的人在唱歌,有的人在跳舞,有的人在聊天,有的人在做操In the school, the person had is kicking ball, having。


这次骚乱涉及一小撮足球迷3 They often play table tennis together他们常在一搭打乒乓球4 When I#39m going out in the evening I use the bike if I can rather than the car我晚上要外出的时候,我宁愿骑。

run,play badminton,play pingpang, play basketball,play football。

翻译Today is really a good weather,we will go to park to play,someone is riding a bicycle in the park,someone is catch butterflies,some people picnic there,someone read books in there ,someone is taking。



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  • 访客 2022-07-14 22:59:49 回复

    students Some are running, some are playing football 谢谢 希望能帮到你。您好很高兴为您解答 Some people are runnin

  • 访客 2022-07-14 12:08:41 回复

    are playing soccer, some are playing pingpong, some are playing basketball, some are running, some are doing highjump, and

  • 访客 2022-07-14 16:15:24 回复

    谢谢 希望能帮到你。您好很高兴为您解答 Some people are running,some people are playing soccer,others are playing games希望对您的学习有帮助 望采纳;On PE class, someone are rope sk

  • 访客 2022-07-14 20:47:54 回复

    are running, some are playing football 谢谢 希望能帮到你。您好很高兴为您解答 Some people are running,some people are playing so

  • 访客 2022-07-14 20:18:07 回复

    ike if I can rather than the car我晚上要外出的时候,我宁愿骑。run,play badminton,play pingpang, play b
